Remote Learning week of April 6-10

Plans for the week:

Friday 4.10-ideas for Friday

Thursday 4.9-Here are the plans for Thursday

Wednesday 4.8 -Here are the plans for Wednesday

Tuesday 4.7 -Here are the plans for Tuesday

Monday 4.6-Here are the plans for Monday

Monday Worksheets/Resources:

11s multiplication test
11s division test
fact practice sheets 9s-12s
Lent Words-spelling list for the week
practice facts sheet -ideas on how to practice facts
Jesus’ Death-To be read on Monday (print if you can)
He is Alive-To be read later in the week

Tuesday Worksheets/Resources:

Chapter 12 Lesson 5
The Tale of the Three Trees part 1 -to be completed Tuesday and Wednesday
Wednesday Worksheets/Resources:
The Tale of the Three Trees part 2 –to be completed Tuesday and Wednesday Week Mass at 9:30am 

Thursday Worksheets/Resources:

Lent Words-spelling list for the week
Holy Thursday Presentation -presentation for Faith Family
Faith Family Holy Thursday-Script for Faith Family

Friday Worksheets/Resources:

He is Alive-To be read later in the week
Easter coloring
Easter coloring 2