Newsletter for the week of October 20-24

October 20, 2014


Dear Third Grade Parents,

IOWA Testing: The third grade will be taking the IOWA tests this week. It is important for the students to be at school to take the tests. Here are some helpful tips to discuss with your child:

* Plan ahead for a peaceful, unhurried evening and morning before the test.

* Make sure your child sleeps well, eats a healthy breakfast, brings a healthy snack, and gets enough water to drink.

* Be on time for school. We take the IOWA tests first thing each morning so be at school by the first bell (8:15) so that students have time to settle in before we begin.

* Give an honest effort; take pride in yourself and DO YOUR BEST.

* Never leave an answer blank!

 Book Report: The book report information was sent home last Thursday. This report is due Monday, October 27th. There will be no math or spelling homework this week so that your children can focus on the book report. I look forward to seeing the finished products!

Lunches of Love: 3rd grade will be donating Lunches of Love in the month of October. Our second turn in day is this Friday, October 24th.

Halloween Party: The party will be Friday, October 31st at 2:00pm. Students may dress in orange and black. Please, no costumes.

This week:

 Writing: We review parts of speech and make “Monster Mad-Libs.” We also continue to practice writing descriptively. Students begin a free verse leaf poem, which describes fall. They incorporate all of the senses to help paint a picture for our minds.

 Religion: Religion: We will learn about the Ten Commandments as a covenant with God’s people given by God to Moses.

Math: We will use most of our math time this week for testing. We continue to work on subtraction with regrouping.

Reading: We read a narrative nonfiction story called, Bat Loves the Night. We study what makes bats interesting and useful. Our target skill this week is sequencing.

Spelling: There will be no spelling this week due to IOWA testing.

No Star this week

Next Week’s Star of the week: Will McLean

I hope you have a wonderful week!


Erin Meland