Newsletter for the week of April 27-May 1


April 27, 2015


Dear Third Grade Parents,




iMovie Book Report: Last week, I sent home a rubric and assignment sheet explaining the iMovie book report. The written form is due Wednesday, May 6th. We have discussed this in class. At this point, students should be reading the book that they will use for their report.


Memorare Prayer: Students learned new prayer last week, the Memorare. We will are saying it as our daily prayer in the morning. A copy of this prayer was sent home last week. Please practice this with your child. Each child will need to have this memorized and recite it to me on or by Thursday, May 21st. If your child is ready to recite this prayer before May 29th, they can recite it to me anytime before or after school or at a recess.


State in the Box project: We will be beginning our State in the box project this week. Each student will pick a state to research and create a “state in the box” to demonstrate what they have learned. Students will research and make the project in class. There will be items that they need to bring from home. Please review the State in the box information sheet with your child tonight. Items will be due Wednesday, May 13th.


Mass: We will have Mass this Friday, May 1st to celebrate Mary. It will be at 8:45am. Students need to be in perfect uniform.


Reading Logs: I will be passing one out for May on Friday. This will be the last reading log for the year.


Field Trip News: 3rd grade will be going on a FUN and EDUCATIONAL trip to the Space Needle and to visit a Science Naturalist at Constellation Park

            Where: Space Needle/ Alki Beach

When: Thursday, June 4th from 10:00-2:00

Who: 3A and 3B



Permission slips will go home today and need to be turned in by this Friday, May 1st. Thank you!


We will need parent chaperones to drive and help on the field trip. All volunteers need to have their SAFE Environment training and a background check on file in the office. Please send me an email if you are able to chaperone and please let me know how many students you can safely fit in your car. We will only be able to have 8 chaperones per classroom. Thank you!


*****IMPORTANT NOTE*******

In order to volunteer, you must have current safe environment training on file. You can check your status, find classes and update your certification at this website:


You also have to have a background check on file in the office. If you have any questions please email, Melissa Tuthill at . Thank you!



This week, we will be learning:


Reading: This week students work on cause and effect and continue to analyze characters using strong adjectives while reading Ramona Quimby chapter 4.


Language Arts: We continue or unit on poetry. This week we try using different poetic devices including alliterations, onomatopoeia, similes, and metaphors.


Math: Students took the 12’s test today. This is our last fact. We will continue to do mixed review tests throughout the year. If you child has not passed a fact (or facts) it is important that the make the test(s) up.


Students took the Chapter 12 assessment on Thursday. This assessment will come home tomorrow. This week we begin chapter 13: Area and perimeter.


Religion: We will talk about May, the Month of Mary. We will also discuss about Rosary prayer and “May Child” activity.


Science: Students work on creating food webs.


Social Studies: We begin researching out states for the state in the box project.


Spelling: Homework is due on Thursday and the test will be on Friday.


unfold                      rejoin             untie              reheat                       unfair                        unclear      repaid               rewrite         unhurt            recheck         unlucky        unwrap

reuse              unsure


Challenge word: unknown


Star of the Week: Grace

Next Week: Matthew M.


Have a great week!



Erin Meland