Newsletter for Dec. 5-11

December 5, 2016

Dear Third Grade Parents,


We are very busy preparing for the birth of Christ, as I am sure you are as well!


Report cards will be sent home this Friday. I just wanted to clarify the grading system. 4, 3, 2, 1 do not equate to A, B, C, or D. Please look at the descriptors. The 4 means exceeding standards, so they are going above and beyond what is expected. They must add more components than requested. Your child may be doing excellent work, and they may receive a 3. A 3 indicates that they are meeting the standard for their grade level, and they are doing quality work. A report card with mostly 3’s is something to be proud of! A 2 means that your child is working towards the standard. Your child may be working their hardest, but more growth is needed in order to meet the standard. It also indicates that progress is being shown. On the other hand your child may receive a 2 because they are not trying their hardest. A 1 indicates that your child is below the standard and needs more assistance and practice in order to meet the standard.


Coffee and Donuts: The 3rd grade class is in charge of coffee and donuts this Sunday, December 11th after the 8:30am and 10:30am Mass. Thank you to those that have volunteered to help out. Even if you weren’t able to help out we would love for you to stop by after Mass to visit with others and help build community. Hope to see you there!


Confession and Mass: Students go to Confession tomorrow and we have Mass on Thursday at 8:45am. Students need to be in perfect uniform both Tuesday and Thursday.


Christmas Poems: Students will present their Christmas poems tomorrow. I look forward to seeing all of them!


You’re Invited:

We will present our play on Wednesday, December 14th. Our performance will be at 9:45 am. All parents, grandparents and siblings under 5 are invited. Parents and grandparents as well as preschool aged siblings are invited to attend. Sorry, siblings at Holy Rosary will not be able to attend, due to limited space.


Costumes: Today we talked with your children about costume ideas for their character in the Nativity play. We will continue to talk this week as well. Costumes are not something that you need to go and buy but should be able to use everyday items.

Useful items could include: pillow cases, sheets, bathrobes, scarves, belts, rope etc.

Please let me know if you have any questions about the costumes.

Students need to bring their costumes in next Monday, December 12th. Please do not send them earlier because we don’t have the space to hold them. Your child’s costume should be in a bag labeled with their name on it.


Advent Outreach: All through Advent HRS will collect money and goods for our community. The third grade is collecting money to purchase Christmas meals for 2 local families in need.  We will also collect food for the Parish food bank. I know this is a busy time of year, discuss with your child how they can earn some money to donate this Advent and do so to the extent your family is able.  This is a great leadership opportunity and a chance for students to live out Catholic social teachings. On Thursday, December 15th, we will gather as a school to honor this service and bless the gifts we are sending into the community. We will also go on our field trip to Safeway to purchase these meals that day.


Money donations are due Tuesday, December 13th.


Prayer Partner: Please remind your child that their homemade card and prayer for their faith-family prayer partner are due to me by Monday, December 12th! If you child does not know who their prayer partner is please tell them to see their Faith Family teacher!


The card should reflect time well spent. Include on your card:


TO: (Your prayer partner’s name)

           FROM: (Your name)

           A prayer that you have written

           Artwork that you have drawn

           Anything else you’d like to include.


Christmas Program: The songs came home with your child tonight and should be practiced as part of their homework. Thanks!



This week the students will be learning:


Reading: Last week we finished The Boxcar Children and today and tomorrow students will take a final test on the book. We also begin reading about Magnets. Students learn about how they work and what they are used for. This unit ties in with what students are learning in science.  


Math: We continue with chapter 5-understanding division. This week we learn how multiplication and division are related and how to use multiplication to solve division problems. We also work on problem solving with division.



Social Studies: Students research the culture of a country of their choosing.


Science: Students learn about hermit crabs and their needs in preparation for building hermit crab habitats “crabitats” after Christmas break!


Religion: We use our Religion time to practice the Nativity Play.


Spelling: The spelling homework is due Thursday and the test will be on Friday. This week we work with homophones.


hole                whole             its                   it’s                  hear               here          won                     one                 hour               our                 their              there

fur                  fir


Challenge word: piece



This week’s star: Ford


Have a wonderful week!





Erin Meland